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Companies often reward employees in the form of money. Such as giving bonuses or raises.The reward is a sign that you value employee performance. Rewards can encourage employees to work harder and make a greater contribution to the company.However, rewards don’t just have to be money. You can show appreciation in many different ways. Express gratitude through compliments and gift-giving as follows.

Free Holidays

Employees who managed to achieve the target must have spent a lot of time, energy, and thoughts doing their work. In return for services, the company can provide a free vacation for him.

It’s a bit expensive. You can give this once a year to the best employees. While employees who are not selected will be motivated to work better in the next year.

Increase Leave Allowance

The company has nothing to lose if it provides additional leave for outstanding employees. Employees deserve special treatment for their very satisfactory and profitable performance of the company.

With additional leave, employees can use it to rest or take a walk. Employees can relax for a moment to unwind before returning to work.

Allow Employees to Work Remotely

Working remotely can increase productivity in several employees. You can consider this when rewarding employees who have achievements.

You do not need to hesitate to give freedom to employees to work from home and do not need to come to the office. Employees will be happy and remain responsible if given discretion for several days.

Give tickets to an event

Is there a prestigious event to be held shortly? For example, a sports event or concert of overseas musicians must be an event that people like and wait for.

Tickets are expensive and limited in number. So employees will certainly be very happy if they get the ticket gift from you.

Holding Office Outing Activities

You can reward the outing activities for the best team or division in the office. You can rent out a villa and hold several fun activities while the outing takes place.

Outing can be a moment for recreation and bring closer relationships between employees. Fun and memorable activities to do together.

Award trophies and certificates

Awarding trophies and certificates is an example of a reward for a simple, but a memorable employee. Companies can create several trophies and certificates for various categories.

For example, awards for the best employees based on performance results, the most diligent employees based on absenteeism that is never late, and favorite employees based on the choices of all employees.

Treat to Eat at Restaurants

Treat someone or some of your best employees. Employees will love the opportunity to eat with you and the company’s executive ranks.

Employees are honored to have time together to enjoy a meal at a restaurant while talking about work. There must be pride if employees can be this close to their leaders.

Buying Employees’ Favorite Items

The best employees deserve special attention. Try to find out the items that are liked or desired by your best employees. Company gift hk will help you to find the right gift for your employees.

Providing Shopping Vouchers

In addition, shopping vouchers worth hundreds of thousands of rupiah can be more valuable than you give money that is the same value. Employee

Surely appreciate the gift of the voucher, because it can be used to buy goods needs.

You can buy and search for interesting gifts and also right for your employees through corporate gift hong kong.