Inundated with requests and rising costs, Ms Doelle has asked the government to fund her initiative, but says she has been forced to turn away some animals. Official figures show that the cost of pet products in Australia jumped by almost 12% in the year to the end of June. That’s double the rise shoppers are seeing in prices for their own food and drinks. And the BVA’s Dr Shotton added that healthy Pets News “already have lovely coats which look great and keep them the perfect temperature” and so “they really don’t need to be dressed up in costumes”.

  • Not only do children who grow up with pets have less risk of allergies and asthma, many also learn responsibility, compassion, and empathy from having a dog or cat.
  • Even if you love animals, it’s important to understand everything that caring for a pet entails.
  • Pets gradually became defined as the property of their owners.
  • If local officials ask you to evacuate, that means your pet should evacuate too.
  • Since pets are found in nearly every culture and society, pet keeping apparently satisfies a deep, universal human need.

Among elderly and disabled people, these falls have resulted in life-threatening injuries and broken bones. Contact your local emergency management office, animal shelter or animal control office to get additional advice and information if you’re unsure how to care for your pet in case of an emergency. If the pilot is successful on this route, we will plan to expand the program to other ferries on other routes.

Find a dog on PetRescue

Discover places open for travel , Opens another site in a new window that may not meet accessibility guidelines. Canada has specific import requirements in place to avoid introducing animal diseases to protect its people, plants and animals. Ultimately, when choosing a pet, be honest with yourself about the lifestyle you enjoy and the kind of pet you’d like to care for.

BBC News Services

However, an organiser of a Halloween-themed pet parade that took place on Sunday stressed none of the animals appeared to dislike being in their costumes. Justine Shotton, the vice president of the British Veterinary Association , added it can also affect some animals’ health, in particular that of certain breeds of dogs. The RSPCA has warned against dressing up pets for Halloween, saying it can be “quite stressful” for animals.

‘I’ve lost my best mate’: the owners forced to give up their pets in the cost of living crisis

Find out what you need before you travel with your pet or import an animal. Specific dog and cat breeds tend to shed less or you could opt for a pet that doesn’t shed at all, like an iguana or a snake . Do you live with small children or someone frail or disabled who could be knocked over by a large dog? Talk to other members of your household and agree on the qualities you want in a pet and those that you’d prefer to avoid. In the case of dogs, man’s best friend comes in countless breeds or mix of breeds, each offering a different blend of personality traits.