International standard schools have a vision for students who are members of the group to have “international” personalities and insights. This is to be able to compete with children in other parts of the world. It is undeniable that today there are still many schools in Indonesia that are of low quality. The lessons given are less useful for the future and are too focused on memorization.

The methods used do not stimulate children’s thinking power, and do not give children the freedom to have opinions and be creative. Children will experience big challenges in the international arena because they are not mentally ready to manage freedom. That’s why trilingual school in bali were here to better prepare children to maximize their quality. What do international standard schools have that are “more” than other schools?

Advantages of International Standard School

1. Learning is More Interactive

At international schools you are given ample space to speak and express your thoughts. The teacher not only acts as a giver of material and lectures alone, but also conducts two-way interactions with students. Although the 2013 curriculum also implements this in its plans, in reality there are not many local teachers who play an active role in teaching.

2. Can Learn Many Languages

Because the curriculum used is an international curriculum, the language of instruction used is English. Students will be accustomed to using everyday English so that they are more fluent than other children of their age. In addition to English, usually international schools also teach other foreign languages, such as Mandarin, German, and Arabic.

3. Curriculum Differences

Currently, local schools use the national curriculum, namely the 2013 curriculum. The difference is, international Best schools in bali are use other additional curricula in their teaching process, such as the IB (International Baccalaureate), CIE (Cambridge International Examination), and others. In this international curriculum there is no science-IPS major as in the national curriculum. Because this curriculum is universally accepted, graduate diplomas with this curriculum are also recognized by institutions around the world.

The international curriculum will be more concerned with the process of children in absorbing subject matter. Children are directed to be more creative in learning, not in a monotonous way. Most of the assessments given are portfolios of the children’s work, not just numerical values.

One of the international standard schools based on the Cambridge curriculum in Bekasi is Global Prestasi School (GPS). Global Prestasi uses the 2013 curriculum and is affiliated with the Cambridge curriculum.

Global Prestasi consists of Montessori Pre-schools, Elementary Schools (SD), Junior High Schools (SMP) and High Schools (SMA). The Montessori method itself has 5 areas, namely EPL, Sensorial, Language, Math and Culture. Global Prestasi Montessori prepares children’s education from an early age to high school (SMA) level.

In addition, Global Prestasi also uses two languages ​​in learning, namely English and Indonesian. In addition, there are Mandarin lessons for all levels, as well as Japanese and German from junior high school level. Thus, the child will master many languages. So with the application of the Cambridge curriculum affiliation, Global Prestasi graduates are able to continue on to top universities. And build their competence from an early age to be ready to face global competition.

4. Facilities That Accommodate Student Needs

International schools offer facilities that can accommodate the various needs of their students. Global Prestasi itself has an Aquatic Room for swimming, a Sport Hall to facilitate various sports needs, to providing health practitioners to maintain the health of their students. Some curricula provide freedom in choosing the learning activities they want. That way the child will be able to learn according to their respective abilities. International schools generally tend to give more freedom when compared to local schools. So that the child will have more opportunities to express themselves.

5. Cultural Diversity

Because they use English as the language of instruction, usually students who come from abroad or are not accustomed to using Indonesian will enroll in international schools. This makes the culture of each student very diverse. Many interactions with people from different cultures give children a much higher opportunity to get to know and learn about many different cultures. Exposure to differences will make it easier for children to adapt and get along with people wherever they are.

Well, those are some of the advantages of existing international schools . Starting from learning methods to cultural diversity are priorities in international schools. For that, make sure your child gets the right educational needs for their better future.